If you have a Wii U or 3DS, chances are you’re disappointed by Nintendo shutting down their servers. Luckily, some determined fans have rigged up new servers for both systems! All you need is a homebrewed console. You can find out how to do this at wiiu.hacks.guide and 3ds.hacks.guide. The Pretendo website is https://pretendo.network.
If you use Pretendo on a Wii U, then you have a vWii (virtual Wii) too. WiiLink24 is like Pretendo, in that it gives old consoles new servers, but it works on the Wii instead! You will also need WiiLink WFC for the actual game servers, though. (Standalone WiiLink24 only supports the channels on the HOME Menu, such as the Check Mii Out Channel, the Everybody Votes Channel and even… the Kirby TV Channel?)